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ABH356's profile
Username ABH356
Status active
Joined Aug 05, 2017
Name Angela Hurd
Location Kent
Occupation Floral Designer
Do you/Did you work afloat? Where? Which Vessel? No
How did you hear about Riverthames.co.nr? My recently deceased father-in-law - Albert Hurd - started as a Engineer on the Cullamix before going to Yorkshire to supervise the build of the Recruit: he continued to work on until his retirement in 1986.

I was so proud of his achievement and whilst working in London, would ring him excitedly to say which way she was going up/down the Thames.

He was quite disappointed when her tunnel was removed and more so when she was painted a ghastly orange after being renamed the Cervia.

My one regret was that he was not allowed one last chance to go up the Thames when she was relaunched; I asked Thames Cleaning however they forgot to ask him.
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